Time Distance : Quantitative Aptitude Mock Test

Banking School
Hello friends, today I am sharing in front of you the questions of TIME SPEED AND DISTANCE asked in the last few years, which will help you in the preparation of IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk,SBI PO & SBI Clerk .Thank you.😄😄😄

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Question No : 1

A car travels a distance of 45 km at the speed of 15 kmph. It covers the next 50 km of its journey at the speed of 25 kmph and the last 25 km of its journey at the speed of 10 kmph. What is the average speed of the car?

(1) 40 kmph

(2) 24 kmph

(3) 15 kmph

(4) 18 kmph

(5) None of these

Question No : 2

Nilesh goes to school from his village and returns at the speed of 4 km/hr and 2 km/hr respectively. If he takes 6 hours in all, then what is the distance between the village and the school?

(1) 6 km

(2) 5 km

(3) 4 km

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 3

A 200 meter long train crosses a platform double its length in 36 seconds. What is the speed of the train (in km/hr)?

(1) 60

(2) 48

(3) 64

(4) 66

(5) None of these

Question No : 4

Excluding the stoppages, the speed of a bus is 64 km/hr and including the stoppages the speed of the bus is 48 km/hr. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour?

(1) 12.5 minutes

(2) 15 minutes

(3) 10 minutes

(4) 18 minutes

(5) None of these

Question No : 5

A car covers a distance of 540 km in 9 hours. Speed of a train is double the speed of the car. Two-third the speed of the train is equal to the speed of a bike. How much distance will the bike cover in 5 hours?

(1) 450 km

(2) 360 km

(3) 400 km

(4) 500 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 6

The ratio between the speed of a train and a car is 18 : 13. Also, a bus covered a distance of 480 km in 12 hours. The speed of the bus is five-ninth the speed of the train. How much distance will the car cover in 5 hours?

(1) 250 km

(2) 280 km

(3) 260 km

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 7

A 300 meter long train moving with an average speed of 126 km/hr crosses a platform in 24 seconds. A man crosses the same platform in 5 minutes. What is the speed of the man in meter/second

(1) 1.8 m/s

(2) 1.2 m/s

(3) 1.5 m/s

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 8

Train A crosses a stationary train B in 35 seconds and a pole in 14 seconds with the same speed. The length of the train A is 280 meters. What is the length of the stationary train B?

(1) 360 meter

(2) 480 meter

(3) 420 meter

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 9

A bike covers a certain distance at the speed of 64 km/hr in 8 hours. If a bike was to cover the same distance in approximately 6 hours, at what approximate speed should the bike travel?

(1) 80 km/hr

(2) 85 km/hr

(3) 90 km/hr

(4) 75 km/hr

(5) 70 km/hr

Question No : 10

A 175 meters long train crosses a 35 meters platform in 12 seconds. What is the speed of the train in km/hr?

(1) 42

(2) 64

(3) 63

(4) 59

(5) None of these

Question No : 11

A train running at speed of 90 km per hour crosses a platform double its length in 36 seconds. What is the length of the platform in meters?

(1) 450

(2) 200

(3) 600

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 12

A car travels a distance of 75 km at the speed of 25 km/hr. It covers the next 25 km of its journey at the speed of 5 km/hr and the last 50 km of its journey at the speed of 25 km/hr. What is the average speed of the car?

(1) 40 km/hr

(2) 25 km/hr

(3) 15 km/hr

(4) 12.5 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 13

Raman drove from home to another town at the speed of 50 km/hr and on his return journey, he drove at the speed of 45 km/hr and took an hour longer to reach home. What distance did he cover each way?

(1) 450 km

(2) 225 km

(3) 900 km

(4) 500 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 14

A 240 meter long train running at the speed of 60 kmph will take how much time to cross another 270 meter long train running in the opposite direction at the speed of 48 kmph?

(1) 17 seconds

(2) 3 seconds

(3) 12 seconds

(4) 8 seconds

(5) None of these

Question No : 15

Buses start from a bus terminal with a speed of 20 km/hr at intervals of 10 minutes. What is the speed of a man coming from the opposite direction towards the bus terminal if he meets the buses at intervals of 8 minutes?

(1) 3 km/hr

(2) 4 km/hr

(3) 5 km/hr

(4) 7 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 16

A train 300 m long, passed a man walking along the line in the same direction at the rate of 3 km/hr in 33 seconds. The speed of the train is

Question No : 17

In a 100 m race, Kamal defeats Bimal by 5 seconds. If the speed of Kamal is 18 kmph, then the speed of Bimal is

(1) 15.4 kmph

(2) 14.5 kmph

(3) 14.4 kmph

(4) 14 kmph

(5) None of these

Question No : 18

A train, 240 m long crosses a man walking along the line in opposite direction at the rate of 3 kmph in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is

(1) 63 kmph

(2) 75 kmph

(3) 83.4 kmph

(4) 86.4 kmph

(5) None of these

Question No : 19

A boatman rows 1 km in 5 minutes, along the stream and 6 km in 1 hour against the stream. The speed of the stream is

(1) 3 kmph

(2) 6 kmph

(3) 10 kmph

(4) 12 kmph

(5) None of these

Question No : 20

A man can row 6 km/h in still water. If the speed of the current is 2 km/h, it takes 3 hours more in upstream than in the downstream for the same distance. The distance is

(1) 30 km

(2) 24 km

(3) 20 km

(4) 32 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 21

(1) 5

(2) 4

(3) 3

(4) 1

(5) None of these

Question No : 22

Walking at 5 km/hr a student reaches his school from his house 15 minutes early and walking at 3 km/hr he is late by 9 minutes. What is the distance between his school and his house?

(1) 5 km

(2) 8 km

(3) 3 km

(4) 2 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 23

A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the police man chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 kmph and 11 kmph respectively. The distance (in metres) between them after 6 minutes is

(1) 190

(2) 200

(3) 100

(4) 150

(5) None of these

Question No : 24

With average speed of 40 km/hours, a train reaches its destination in time. If it goes with an average speed of 35 km/hour, it is late by 15 minutes. The total journey is

(1) 30 km

(2) 40 km

(3) 70 km

(4) 80 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 25

(1) 45 km/hr

(2) 60 km/hr

(3) 55 km/hr

(4) 50 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 26

Two trains 108 m and 112 m in length are running towards each other on the parallel lines at a speed of 45 km/hr and 54 km/hr respectively. To cross each other after they meet, it will take

(1) 10 sec

(2) 12 sec

(3) 9 sec

(4) 8 sec

(5) None of these

Question No : 27

A train 270 metre long is running at a speed of 36 km per hour, then it will cross a bridge of length 180 metres in:

(1) 40 sec

(2) 45 sec

(3) 50 sec

(4) 35 sec

(5) None of these

Question No : 28

A man can swim 3 km/hr in still water. If the velocity of the stream is 2 km/hr. the time taken by him to swim to a place 10 km upstream and back is:

Question No : 29

A train moving at a rate of 36 km/hr. crosses a standing man in 10 seconds. It will cross a platform 55 metres long in:

Question No : 30

A man rides at the rate of 18 km/hr but stops for 6 mins. to change horses at the end of every 7th km. The time that he will take to cover a distance of 90 km is.

(1) 6 hrs

(2) 6 hrs 12 min

(3) 6 hr 18 min

(4) 6 hrs 24 min

(5) None of these

Question No : 31

(1) 2.5 km/hr

(2) 1.5 km/hr

(3) 3.5 km/hr

(4) 4.5 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 32

(1) 30 min

(2) 75 min

(3) 90 min

(4) 60 min

(5) None of these

Question No : 33

(1) 15 minutes

(2) 20 minutes

(3) 30 minutes

(4) 1 hour

(5) None of these

Question No : 34

How many seconds will a train 120 metres long running the rate of 36 km/hr take to cross a bridge of 360 metres in length?

(1) 48 sec

(2) 36 sec

(3) 40 sec

(4) 46 sec

(5) None of these

Question No : 35

A train 150 m long passes a km stone in 30 seconds and another train of the same length travelling in opposite direction in 10 seconds. The speed of the second train is:

(1) 125 km/hr

(2) 25 km/hr

(3) 90 km/hr

(4) 75 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 36

A farmer travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hrs. He travelled partly on foot at the rate of 4 km/hr and partly on bicycle at the rate of 9 km/hr. The distance travelled on foot is

(1) 17 km

(2) 16 km

(3) 15 km

(4) 14 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 37

A man travelled a distance 72 km in 12 hour. He travelled partly on foot at 5 km/hour and partly on bicycle at 10 km/hour. The distance travelled foot is

(1) 46 km

(2) 52 km

(3) 50 km

(4) 48 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 38

A man takes 6 hours 35 minutes in walking to a certain place and riding back. He would have taken 2 hours less by riding both ways. What would be the time he would take to walk both ways?

(1) 4 hours 35 minutes

(2) 8 hours 35 minutes

(3) 10 hours

(4) 8 hours 25 minutes

(5) None of these

Question No : 39

A 240 metres long train crosses a platform twice its length in 40 seconds. What is the speed of the train?

(1) 6 metres/sec

(2) 28 metres/sec

(3) 18 metres/sec

(4) 16 metres/sec

(5) None of these

Question No : 40

A 180 metre long train crosses another 270 metre long train running in the opposite direction in 10.8 seconds. If the speed of the first train is 60 kmph. What is the speed of the second train in kmph?

(1) 80

(2) 90

(3) 150

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 41

A man rows to a place 35 km in distance and back in 10 hours 30 minutes. He found that he can row 5 km with the stream in the same time as he can row 4 km against the stream. Find the rate of flow of the stream.

(1) 1 km/hr

(2) 0.75 km/hr

(3) 1.33 km/hr

(4) 1.5 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 42

The distance between two places A and B is 140 km. The first scooter departs from place A to B, at a speed of 50 kmph at 10 am. The second scooter departs from place B to A at a speed of 30 kmph at 12 pm. At what time will both the scooters meet each other?

(1) 12 : 30 pm

(2) 01 : 50 pm

(3) 01 : 00 pm

(4) 12 : 50 pm

(5) 01 : 30 pm

Question No : 43

A man completed a certain journey by a car. If he covered 30% of the distance at the speed of 20 km/hr. 60% of the distance at 40 km/hr and the remaining distance at 10 km/hr his average speed for the whole journey was

(1) 25 km/hr

(2) 28 km/hr

(3) 30 km/hr

(4) 33 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 44

A train starts from A at 7 a.m. towards B with speed 50 km/h. Another train starts from B at 8 a.m. with speed 60 km/h towards A. Both of them meet at 10 a.m. at C. The ratio of the distance AC to BC is

(1) 5 : 6

(2) 5 : 4

(3) 6 : 5

(4) 4 : 5

(5) None of these

Question No : 45

A man walks a certain distance in certain time, if he had gone 3 km per hour faster, he would have taken 1 hour less than the scheduled time, if he had gone 2 km per hour slower, he would have been one hour longer on the road. The distance (in km) is

(1) 60

(2) 45

(3) 65

(4) 80

(5) None of these

Question No : 46

Two trains started at the same time, one from A to B and the other from B to A. If they arrived at B and A respectively 4 hours and 9 hours after they passed each other, the ratio of the speed of the two trains was

(1) 2 : 1

(2) 3 : 2

(3) 4 : 3

(4) 5 : 4

(5) None of these

Question No : 47

In a kilometre race, A beats B by 30 seconds and B beats C by 15 seconds. If A beats C by 180 metres, the time taken by A to run 1 kilometre is

(1) 250 seconds

(2) 205 seconds

(3) 200 seconds

(4) 210 seconds

(5) None of these

Question No : 48

Shalendra riding a bicycle at 20 km/hr can reach his office in 3 hours. If he is late by 1 hour at the start, then in order to reach his destination in time he should ride at the speed of?

(1) 20 km/hr

(2) 25 km/hr

(3) 30 km/hr

(4) 35 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 49

A man can row 6 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the current is 2 km/hr, it takes 4 hours more in upstream than in the downstream for the same distance. The distance is

(1) 30 km

(2) 24 km

(3) 20 km

(4) 32 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 50

A motor boat coves a certain distance downstream in a river in 3 hours. It covers the same distance upstream in 3 hours and half. If the speed of the water is 1.5 km/hr then the speed of the boat in still water is:

(1) 17 km/hr

(2) 17.5 km/hr

(3) 19.5 km/hr

(4) 19 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 51

The speed of a boat downstream is 15 km/hr and the speed of current is 3 km/hr. Find the total time taken by the boat to cover 15 km upstream and 15 km  downstream

(1) 2 hours 40 minutes

(2) 2 hours 42 minutes

(3) 3 hours 10 minutes

(4) 2 hours 30 minutes

(5) None of these

Question No : 52

On a journey across Kolkata, a taxi average 50 km per hours for 50% of the distance 40 km per hour for 40% of it and 20 km per hour for the remaining. The average speed in km/hour, for the whole journey is:

(1) 42

(2) 40

(3) 35

(4) 45

(5) None of these

Question No : 53

Question No : 54

Points A and B are 100 km apart on a highway. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If the cars travel in the same direction, they meet in 5 hours. If the cars travel towards each other, they meet in 1 hour. What is the speed of the faster car?

(1) 70 km/hour

(2) 40 km/hour

(3) 60 km/hour

(4) 80 km/hour

(5) None of these

Question No : 55

A bus started its journey from Ramgarh and reached Devgarh in 44 minutes with its average speed of 50 km/hour. If the average speed of the bus is increased by 5 km/hours, how much time will it take to cover the same distance?

(1) 40 minutes

(2) 38 minutes

(3) 36 minutes

(4) 31 minutes

(5) 49 minutes

Question No : 56

The distance between two cities (M and N) is 569 km. A train starts from city M at 8 a.m. and travels towards city N at the rate of 53 kmph. Another train starts from city N at 9 am and travels towards city M at the rate of 76 kmph. At what time will the trains meet?

(1) 12 : 30 p.m.

(2) 1 : 00 p.m.

(3) 2 : 30 p.m.

(4) 1 : 30 p.m.

(5) 2 : 00 p.m.

Question No : 57

Train A travelling at 63 kmph can cross a platform 199.5 m long in 21 seconds. How much time would train A take to completely cross (from the moment they meet), train B, 222 m long and travelling at 54 kmph in opposite direction in which train A is travelling?

(1) 16 seconds

(2) 18 seconds

(3) 12 seconds

(4) 14 seconds

(5) None of these

Question No : 58

Two cars starts at the same time from A and B which is 120 km apart. If the two cars travel in opposite direction they meet after one hour and if they travel in same direction (from A towards B) then two cars crosses after 6 hours. What is the speed of car starting from A?

(1) 70 kmph

(2) 120 kmph

(3) 60 kmph

(4) Data inadequate

(5) None of these

Question No : 59

The distance between 2 places R and S is 42 km. Anita starts from R with a uniform speed of 4 km/h towards S and at the same time Romita starts form S towards R also with same uniform speed. They meet each other after 6 hours. The speed of Romita is

(1) 18 km/hr

(2) 20 km/hr

(3) 3 km/hr

(4) 8 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 60

Points ‘A’ and ‘B’ are 70 km apart on a highway and two cars start at the same time. If they travel in the same direction, they meet in 7 hours, but if they travel towards each other they meet in one hour. Find the speed of the two cars (in km/hr)

(1) 20, 30

(2) 40, 30

(3) 30, 50

(4) 20, 40

(5) None of these

Question No : 61

A thief steals a car at 1.30 p.m. and drive it off at 40 km/hr. The thief is discovered at 2 p.m. and the owner sets off in another car at 50 km/hr. he will overtake the thief at

(1) 5 p.m.

(2) 4 p.m.

(3) 4 : 30 p.m.

(4) 6 p.m.

(5) None of these

Question No : 62

A train covers a distance of 3584 km in 2 days 8 hours. If it covers 1440 km on the first day and 1608 km on the second day, by how much does the average speed of the train for the remaining part of the journey differ from that for the entire journey?

(1) 3 km/hr

(2) 4 km/hr

(3) 10 km/hr

(4) 2 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 63

A car driver leaves Bangalore at 8.30 a.m. and expects to reach a place 300 km from Bangalore at 12.30 p.m. at 10.30 he finds that he has covered only 40% of the distance. By how much he has to increase the speed of the car in order to keep up his schedule?

(1) 45 km/hr

(2) 40 km/hr

(3) 35 km/hr

(4) 30 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 64

A train leaves a station A at 7 a.m. and reaches another station B at 11 a.m. Another train leaves B at 8 a.m. and reaches A at 11.30 a.m. The two trains cross one another at

(1) 8.36 a.m.

(2) 8.54 a.m.

(3) 9.00 a.m.

(4) 9.24 a.m.

(5) None of these

Question No : 65

If a man walks at the rate of 5 km/hr, he misses a train by 7 minutes. However if he walks at the rate of 6 km/hr, he reaches the station 5 minutes before the arrival of the train. The distance covered by him to reach the station is

(1) 7 km

(2) 6.25 km

(3) 6 km

(4) 4 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 66

Two trains start at the same time from Aligarh and Delhi and proceed towards each other at the rate of 14 km/hr and 21 km per hour respectively. When they meet, it is found that one train has travelled 70 km more than the other. The distance between two stations is

(1) 140 km

(2) 350 km

(3) 210 km

(4) 300 km

(5) None of these

Question No : 67

Ravi travels 300 km partly by train and partly by car. He takes 4 hours to reach. If he travels 60 km by train and rest by car. He will take 10 minutes more if he were to travel 100 km by train and rest by car. The speed of the train is:

(1) 50 km/hr

(2) 60 km/hr

(3) 100 km/hr

(4) 120 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 68

A, B and C walk 1 km in 5 minutes, 8 minutes and 10 minutes respectively. C starts walking from a point at a certain time, B starts from the same point 1 minutes later and A starts from the same point 2 minutes later than C, then A meets B and C after.

Question No : 69

Points A and B are 100 km apart on a highway. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If the cars travel in the same direction they meet in 5 hours. If the cars travel towards each other they meet in 1 hour. What is the speed of the faster car?

(1) 70 km/hr

(2) 60 km/hr

(3) 80 km/hr

(4) 40 km/hr

(5) None of these

Question No : 70

A man cycles at the speed of 8 km/hr and reaches office at 11 am and when he cycles at the speed of 12 km/hr he reaches office at 9 a.m. At what speed should he cycle so that he reaches his office at 10 a.m.?

(1) 9.6 km/hr

(2) 10 km/hr

(3) 11.2 km/hr

(4) Can’t say

(5) None of these

Question No : 71

A man goes downstream with a boat to some destination and returns upstream to his original place in 5 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water and the stream are 10 km/hr and 4 km/hr respectively, the distance of the destination from the starting place is:

(1) 16 km

(2) 18 km

(3) 21 km

(4) 25 km

(5) None of these

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